Production process

Extrusion is a process which by application of heat and pressure melts resin and pushes it through exactly dimensioned nozzle into continuated shape of:
- free film, foil,
- film for coating of paper, cardboard, tin,
- coating of wires and cables.

Extruder is “fed” by PE resin via funnel. Resin goes through opening for feeding into the channel of rotating snail and it pushes itself forward. As it moves, the resin gets heated, melts, mixes and presses into a series of complicated electric forms within the channel. On its way to cylinder, granules must be transformed into homogenic solution. This solution in the end goes through sieve which serves as a filter for materials that can come to the funnel. At the end, the resin is pushed through exactly dimensioned nozzle for certain product where a foil of certain features and dimensions is formed.

If it is the case of a foil which waits for the delivery for longer period, then it is packed with all the necessary data and stored into storage for finished products. If it is the case of foil which, after extrusion, goes into further processing by methods of flexography or confectioning, then it is stored on specially designed places for flexography or confectioning.